Sunday, August 19, 2007

Sidney and Norman: a tale of two pigs

by Phil Vischer

Available in hardback (Thomas Nelson) and audio CD (Oasis Audio), 2006; ISBN: 1400308348; 48 pages.

This page is generally reserved for adult books. I'm making an exception this once. If you're interested in children's book reviews, specifically Christian children's books, please check out my other site:

Sidney and Norman is a picture book by VeggieTales creator Phil Vischer. At first glance, yes, it's a children's book. But it is much more. The story is filled with truth and encouragement for people of all ages. My husband and I have learned much and applied much from this book. In fact, I think it has had a more profound impact on us than it has our children. This is why I must include in on the Bookshelf.

Sidney and Norman are two very different pigs who live next door to each other. One is messy, disorganized, late and frustrated and embarrassed. The other is neat, successful, competent and judgemental of all who aren't like him. One day they each receive invitations to meet with God. In those individual meetings they realize they are on even planes. One, confident of God's love for him because he's so good, learns, yes, God loves him, but not because he's good. He also learns God loves everyone else, even those who don't have it all together -- and so should he. The other, convinced he's never good enough, learns God loves him, even when he doesn't have it all together. And if God loves him, he can love himself, too.

Be sure not to miss the epilogue. There the author explains the genesis of this book with a personal story of God's love and mercy. It's a beautiful plea for all to understand the depths of God's unconditional love.

Final Thoughts: A MUST READ! Beautiful and concise. The illustrations (by Justin Gerard)are fantastic and the message life-changing. Highly recommended.

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